Thomas Hodges - Mathematics Tutor 1 (312) 834-3581

Algebra 2 (sometimes called Advanced Algebra) picks up where Algebra 1 leaves off and takes the idea of linear equations into systems of linear equations. Concepts are introduced with systems of linear equations and applications (i.e. finding the point at which two or more graphed lines intersect) and various methods of solving systems of linear equations including using matrices. Once matrices are introduced, it’s possible to work systems of linear equations in more than two variables, and to explore when it is and is not possible to find unique solutions.

Concepts of quadratic functions, polynomials, factoring and rational expressions that were covered in Algebra 1 are revisited and explored with a higher expected level of comprehension. This is followed by conic sections, an exciting topic where tools learned throughout the course are brought together to make a frightening topic quite digestible.

Other topics include sequences and series’ (useful in Calculus), some probability and statistics and an introduction to Trigonometry.

I provide supplementary instruction (tutoring) for Algebra 2 for $35 an hour. I provide more comprehensive homeschool instruction, including assigning homework and administering tests and quizzes for $50 an hour.

Algebra 2 / Advanced Algebra