Thomas Hodges - Mathematics Tutor 1 (312) 834-3581

The contribution of the score from the Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE General Test can make a big difference in the chances of getting into a chosen graduate program. More than anything, this test demands a unified understanding of mathematics and the ability to perform higher level thinking than is often needed to pass core college mathematics requirements. Humanities students who struggled with mathematics in high school and barely made it through required classes in college can suffer the most, because despite their talents in their chosen majors, top graduate programs want well rounded students who score high on every section of the GRE.

The preparation method that I employ is to have students take a diagnostic test in a quiet timed environment on their own. When the timer signals the end of their work times (if they have not finished), they mark how far along they came on the answer key, and finish the rest of the test. They score their tests themselves (with a provided answer key), and bring them to their first sessions with me.

On their first session, we go through all of the questions that they got wrong, and I make notes on where background knowledge is lacking. I provide personalized instruction on the topics that I have made note of using College Algebra textbooks. This step of intensively studying individual topics, with repeated drills on different kinds of questions, takes up the majority of the study time.

Later, I re-administer the evaluation test, make note of the score increase and trends in missed questions, and provide extra instruction in problem areas where needed. I pull GRE preparatory study material from as many sources as possible, and administer GRE practice tests drawn from several major study workbooks.

For the initial evaluation and content practice questions, I use mainly NOVA, but pull complete practice tests from Kaplan, Princeton, McGraw-Hill and ETS, among others. For instruction purposes, I use my own explanations and coaching, and draw practice problems for drills primarily from an edition of Blitzer’s College Algebra. I am highly selective in study material, and have chosen these after evaluating a great many sources. Students are advised to purchase a copy of Blitzer’s book for study outside of our sessions together.

I provide personalized instruction in GRE for $60 an hour. Please contact me as early as possible before taking your test so that there is sufficient time to complete the program. For a struggling student seeking a high score, months of intensive study time may be needed to develop the strong intuitive understanding of mathematical concepts needed to score high on the GRE.